Recently, Wire Wizards installed LED mood lighting for The New England Hotel in Eastbourne and WOW does it set an incredible atmosphere.
"LED strip lights can be implemented in any room to create mood lighting. This gives a relaxed, modern and fresh feel. Spike".
Derek and Brid's google reviews are amazing reaching 5/5 time and time again but, striving for further excellence the hoteliers wanted an even more memorable experience for there clientele.
Derek and Brid wanted to be able to set the mood for every occasion such as special events or music. The transformation to the rooms by Wire Wizards speak for itself, with the added bonus of all being changeable by remote control.
To have LED Mood lighting installed the call Wire Wizards on 01903 721888
To book at The New England Hotel please follow the link

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LED Strip Light Installation
West Sussex
BN17 6QD